Our areas of expertise

Okoni is brimming with talent and technical know-how, centered on three areas of expertise

Create and make, educate, transform, these are our three lines of work. We bring them to bear in each assignment entrusted to us, in the order and with the intensity appropriate to each job. We give little stock to preconceived knowledge, and even less to linear thinking.  Our assignments are all about movement, hybridization, explosion.


Train, empower, liberate

Our teaching method: From the outset, we have always thought of our assignments as learning experiences. Formulating the right questions, taking risks, experimenting, confronting on the ground, drawing inspiration, and reviewing are all learning mechanisms that we use to help people grow as part of our assignments and within our academy.


The Okoni Academy : Our academy offers hybrid training inhouse and externally on topics drawn from our assignments: “design as a way to advance social innovation”, “leading projects for the ecological transition of the region”, “learning about the experimental method”, “becoming a Vibes facilitator”


> The Academy website

Create and make

Observe, draw inspiration, co-design, prototype, experiment

Exploration: our ethnologists, our sociologists, our designers practice exploration as a creative art. The field is an endless source of ideas.


Co-design: our designers are facilitators, popularizers, pedagogues of creation. They know how to create the methodological, social, and psychological conditions for collective design. We often set up our creative studio in the heart of a living space: living labs.


Inspiration: the imagination is a crucial muscle… But one that requires training and exercise. That includes design fiction that plunges the participants into a fictionalized environment to better shift their thinking, expose them to sources of inspiration, give them food for thought on a daily basis… We maintain a library of inspiring comics open to all those who come to see us, and we move it around regularly…


Expert practitioner of experimentation, Okoni produces knowledge in the most complex fields (health, public action, climate), which lets us dare to make useful disruptions.


Our high-definition prototyping capabilities: To generate knowledge, one must poke into reality. We do so by constructing physical or digital prototypes. Once immersed in their contexts and confronted with their applications, these are immediately eye-opening.

>  Learn all about our workshop



An experimental economics laboratory unlike any other in France: We use experimental economics protocols to reveal actors’ preferences, break through irrationalities, confirm the most complex behavioral hypotheses.


Transform, mobilize, change, move the lines, evolve

We see the creative process asa transformative experience, arguably the most effective one of all, and the one with the capacity to change an entire system and motivate people to their core.


Our team brings together designers and experienced transformation consultants.


Those skills are embodied in our Vibes offer, a great adventure mixing creation, learning, socio-dynamics, strategic work.


>  See what we have to offer Vibes